Variance At Completion

In project management, variance is the difference between a planned cost and the actual cost incurred and, normally, this leads to corrective actions. A more general definition of Variance Analysis can be found in Wikipedia and other sites.

Variance Analysis

At Time Now:

Ei = Initial Estimate (Planned or Estimated Budget)
A = Actuals = Actual amount incurred
Et-c = Estimate-to-Complete
Ea-c = Estimate-at-Completion = A + Et-c
Va-c = Variance-at-Completion = Ei  - Ea-c
At New Time (Time Now + T):
If the variance is high (too much error or discrepancy), then assign Ea-c as the new Ei. 

Ei (new time) = Ea-c (time now) 

Variance At Completion

In project management, variance is the difference between a planned cost and the actual cost incurred and, normally, this leads to correcti...

